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Marching Competition Week 4: Plymouth High School

The Emerald Alliance will be performing their 2016 fall competitive show for the fourth week of competition at Plymouth High School on Saturday, October 1 at 6:28 pm.

Here is the itinerary for the students.

2:00 pm Rehearsal at Bremen High School

3:00 pm Load Trailers

3:30 pm Depart for Plymouth High School

4:00 pm Arrive at Plymouth High School, eat early Dinner (Band Boosters provide)

4:30 pm Unload trailer

5:16 pm Transit to Physical Warm Ups

5:21 pm Physical Warm Ups

5:47 pm Transit to Music Warm Ups

5:52 pm Music Warm Ups

6:18 pm Transit to Stage

6:28 pm Performance: The Dark Planet

6:45 pm Transit to Buses

6:50 pm Load trailers

7:30 pm Watch Shows

9:15 pm Awards

9:45 pm Transit to Bus

10:00 pm Depart for Bremen High School

10:30 pm Arrive at Bremen High School, Unload trailers

10:45 pm Dismissed

All students should dress for the weather-- we will be outside all day!

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