On January 28th, the band department will be going to the Indiana State Music Association
Solo/Ensemble Contest.
Here is information parents and students need to know:
Solo Ensemble Contest is on January 28 at Plymouth High School. We have approximately 100 students attending, and performances will be going on all day.
Buses will be leaving for Plymouth at 7:30 am. Students should arrive at the school building at 7:15 am. The bus will return to the school at approximately 3:30 pm.
Specific performance times for your child can be found BY CLICKING HERE. Use Command-F (Macs) or Control-F (PC) to search for your child's name. Students will also be given the times in class. Times should be up by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 17.
If you wish to bring your child to or from the contest it is allowed. Please fill out the form at the end of this letter to indicate your travel preferences so that we can accurately determine the number of buses needed. Please return these forms to the school by January 29th.
If you choose to take your child yourself, please have the student at Plymouth High School a minimum of one hour before their performance time.You will be responsible for bringing the student’s instrument and music to the performance.
There will be a concession stand with lunch at the high school. Students are also welcome to bring their own lunch if they like.
MS Students should wear their concert outfit to the performance (band shirt and khaki pants).
HS Students should wear dress clothes. Jeans are not dress clothes!
All performances are open to the public. Feel free to come and support your child—many have been working very hard on their solos / ensembles, and would be very proud to perform them for you.
If your child is doing a Group I solo or ensemble and qualifies for state, please bring the appropriate amount of money to sign up for the state competition on February 27th. Soloists should bring $15 and Ensembles should bring $7. Checks should be made out to Matthew Sutton. I will be providing ISSMA with one large check for all of your entries.
Here's a map of Plymouth High School
Please remind your students to behave with dignity and honor at this event. Encourage
them to go watch their friends and other band members perform throughout the day. We
will be representing the Bremen Community, and I wish to continue the tradition of
excellence in behavior and performance that sets our school band program apart.