It takes a lot of money to run a band program. Entrance fees, traveling expenses, music, instrument repair, new equipment, props, clothing, software, website development, reeds, mouthpieces, cleaning supplies, music stands, drum sticks, and much more all add to the expense of the program. Unfortunately, our school is unable to supply the money for some of these expenses, and that is where you come in.
Each year we have four major fund raisers.
Scrip: This is our gift card program, and it is ongoing through the year. On Friday, students can bring an order form home, where you can order gift cards to use at home. We get them at a slight discount and keep the difference. You use them to purchase groceries, gas, and nore-- things you would already be purchasing anyway.
Popcorn: In the spring, we will be selling wonderful flavored popcorn.
Booster Dinner: Somewhere in January or February the band boosters will be hosting a dinner at a HS basketball game.
Cheese and Sausage: Selling much more than just cheese and sausage, each year in September we sell all kinds of chocolates, cheese, and sausage.
It's Popcorn Time!
Our Popcorn sale each year is our second largest fund raiser, and it is our FINAL fund raiser for the year! This year the sale will begin on Tuesday, April 11. Because our HS band students raised money for their New York trip with the fall fundraiser, we have to do especially well with this one to make ends meet. Our goal will be to sell an average of 10 items per student, or approximately 1650 items total.
As in previous years, a variety of prizes will be available to students who sell items!
All students and parents: If you do not wish to participate but still want to do your part, you are welcome to simply donate to the program. A minimum donation of $50 is suggested, and we will add your name to the list of donors on our concert programs for this year.
Thank you-- without this support, our program could not exist for your child. Look for those order forms next week!