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HS Band to perform at ISSMA Festival on April 22

On April 22, the Bremen Concert Band will join hundreds of bands across the state in performing for the annual ISSMA Organizational Festival.

The band will be performing at Concord High School at 1:10 pm. The performance is free and open to the public, and we encourage parents and friends to join us and cheer the band on!

The band will be performing for three judges who will give them a rating based on the quality of their performance.

In addition, the band will go into another room where they will be given a piece they have never seen before. The students will be asked to play that piece after 10 minutes of preparation, and will be judged on their ability to put the piece together in that very limited time. This is called "Sightreading," and is an activity that is not open to the public.

For students and parents, here's a full schedule of our performance on that day:

11:00 am Meet at Bremen High School, load trailer and buses.

11:30 am Depart for Concord High School

12:00 pm Arrive at Concord High School, unload trailer

12:30 pm Transit to Warm Up

12:35 pm Warm Up

1:05 pm Transit to performance

1:10 pm Performance at Beickman Performance Center, Concord High School

1:40 pm Transit to Sight reading

1:45 pm Sightreading

2:15 pm Load trailer and buses

2:45 pm Depart for Bremen High School

3:15 pm Arrive at Bremen High School, unload trailers

3:30 pm Dismissed

HS Students:

Be sure to eat an early lunch before coming to the school on this day.

We will be wearing full concert dress on this day.

This is a required, graded performance.

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