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Competition #2: September 16 Marching Band at Concord High School

The Emerald Alliance will be performing at the Concord Marching Band Invitational on Saturday, September 16 at 4:39 pm.

Tickets for the event are $7, and this competition has a special offer! If you purchase your tickets ahead of time from the Bremen Band office, the marching band gets to keep 50% of the revenue. If you plan to come, or are thinking of coming, buy a ticket from the band office today. Don't miss out on this opportunity for you to help the band financially.

The following is a schedule for the band on September 16:

12:30 pm Rehearsal at Bremen High School

1:30 pm Load Trailers

2:00 pm Depart for Concord High School

2:30 pm Arrive at Concord High School

3:25 pm Transit to Physical Warm Up

3:33 pm Physical Warm Up

3:57 pm Transit to Music Warm Up

4:02 pm Music Warm Up

4:26 pm Transit to performance field

4:39 pm Emerald Alliance Performance: Digital Espionage

4:40 pm Transit to Trailer, Load Trailer

5:15 pm Dinner (provided by band boosters)

5:45 pm Watch Shows

6:25 pm Awards

6:50 pm Transit to bus

7:00 pm Depart for Bremen High School

7:30 pm Arrive at Bremen High School, unload trailer

7:45 pm Dismissed

Performances begin at 4:00 pm and conclude at 10:00 pm. Here's a full performance schedule provided by Concord.

Things You Need to Know and Ways to Help

Uniform Washing

Uniform Care Crew: For those of you washing uniforms, please take your assigned uniforms home to wash after this competition.

Dinner for Students

Parents, we need help to provide food for all the students on this day! If you are willing to donate to provide food for this event, please sign up here.

Proper Uniform

All students, to receive full credit for this performance, should be wearing their proper uniform. This includes their band shirt, athletic shorts, long black socks, and their band shoes.

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