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The Emerald Alliance Season is Over, but Heads Held High

Bremen Marching Band Waiting for Results at Semi-State

On Saturday evening the Emerald Alliance Bremen Marching Band performed what turned out to be our last field performance of the 2017 competition season. While the performance was among their best, it was not quite enough to move on to the Open Class State Finals next week at Lucas Oil Stadium.

Marching band is more than just competitions. I am incredibly proud of the work ethic I saw develop in these students. I am proud of the camaraderie, and dedication, and the sacrifices made in support of the group. I am impressed by their fortitude and their good attitudes. I see students develop confidence, self-esteem, and coordination. I hear musical excellence being achieved. I am confident that what they learn here about what it takes to be truly excellent will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

It was a fantastic season, and despite many tears, we celebrated with our heads held high at Ponderosa that evening.

As the director, I would like to thank everyone who had a hand in making this season a success.

Thank you to all the parents who were there week after week helping at each competition. There were 20+ volunteers helping with props, setting up food, loading and unloading trailers, driving trucks, decorating lockers, and much more every single Saturday.

Thank you to my support staff for your hard work in helping to teach the show. Sarah Wesselhoft and Anna Borkholder, you are fantastic role models and teachers for the guard. Will and Patrick Houser, you provided excellent percussion instruction. Genesis Matthews and Nick Bailey, your support and help with visual and musical instruction was appreciated more than you may know.

Thank you to our music writer, Alex Smith, percussion writer Aaron Lambert, and drill writer Doug Goodwin, for helping to create a fantastic competitive show.

Thank you to every family that provided meals each Saturday. There were many of you, and your generosity kept our students going!

Thank you to the Nykiels for driving a trailer to competition every week, and the Jones for allowing us to use their golf cart. Thank you to all parents who washed the uniforms every other week throughout the season. Thank you to the Kuceras who showed up for multiple evening rehearsals to build and/or fix props. Thank you to the Kertai's and the Kuceras for coming in and helping to file music into our database.

Thank you to the unknown families who decorated our band room and our lockers. Thank you to the many families, individuals, and businesses who donated money to keep us going.

Thank you to our school system for providing the new uniforms that our students look so good in these last two years. Thank you also for the administrative support, the Ponderosa dinner, and the use of the facilities and all hours of the day for the past four months.

There is so much that goes into a successful program. All these people above, and many more I probably forgot, gave so that our students could have an experience they will never forget. I am both grateful and humbled to be a teaching in a community with support like this.

Encourage students everywhere to be a part of this kind of program. It changes the trajectories of their lives in ways we sometimes don't see until years later. It's worth it.

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