It's time for our annual Haystack dinner fund raiser! Come get a delicious dinner and support the band program at the same time. Mark your calendars today!
When: Friday, February 16th.
Time: 4:00-8:00 pm
Before and during the HS Basketball Game vs. New Prairie
Where: HS Cafeteria
Tickets: $5 Pre-sale, $7 at the door
How to get Pre-sale tickets: Beginning today, all Bremen Band students will have tickets available for sale. In addition, you can purchase tickets in the main office at the high school.
What's a Haystack Dinner? Imagine all the fixings of a taco piled high, with nacho cheese over the top. See? A haystack!
Lemonade will be provided. Desserts available for any extra donation.
Students and Parents: Letters are being sent home today with details about pre-sale tickets and what is needed for the day of this dinner. In addition, we need several volunteers to help serve food and keep the cafeteria clean. Click the button to sign up!