We're a week away from our annual Haystack dinner! Come get a delicious dinner and support the band program at the same time. Mark your calendars today!
When: Friday, February 16th.
Time: 4:00-8:00 pm
Before and during the HS Basketball Game vs. New Prairie
Where: HS Cafeteria
Tickets: $5 Pre-sale, $7 at the door
How to get Pre-sale tickets: Beginning today, all Bremen Band students will have tickets available for sale. In addition, you can purchase tickets in the main office at the high school.
What's a Haystack Dinner? Imagine all the fixings of a taco piled high, with nacho cheese over the top. See? A haystack!
Lemonade will be provided. Desserts available for any extra donation.
Students and Parents: With a week to go, as of this writing we have 8 more slots to be filled with volunteers for next Friday. Please consider helping us today!
Don't forget-- unsold tickets and ticket money are due back to the band room next Wednesday. In addition, we need each band family to donate a dessert, individually wrapped, to sell at the fund raiser.