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The More You Know (Band Reminders and Announcements)

Did you know all of this information? There's a lot going on next week!

1. The MS Concert is at 6:30 pm on Monday, and students need to be in the band room by 6 pm.

2. The HS Concert is at 7:45 pm on Monday, and students need to be in the band room by 7:15 pm.

3. Students need to wear their appropriate concert clothing for the concert.

4. Students who stay to watch both concerts will receive a little extra credit!

5. Jazz Band rehearsal next week is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 am.

6. Unhappy with a grade you received on any playing assessment? You can fix the errors and turn it in again for credit, until the end of the term.

7. There's also no late penalty for assignments-- turn them in this weekend.

8. Our annual Haystack dinner is this Friday. Come and eat with us! $5 pre-sale, $7 at the door.

9. Students need to return all pre-sale money and unsold tickets to the band room by Wednesday.

10. We are asking that each family in the band program donate a dessert, wrapped individually if possible, to sell at the fundraiser.

11. We still need volunteers for the Haystack dinner! Sign up here.

11. MS Pep Band Day is also on Friday! 7th/8th grade students should be in the band room ready to play by 6 pm, wearing their band shirts.

12. 7th/8th grade, and HS students-- don't forget to purchase a haystack dinner ticket for the MS Pep band performance!

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